
Daniel Assouline Montreal – A Dynamic Leader with a String of Successes

In an increasingly competitive online marketplace where there is urgent need for dynamic and level-headed leaders, the name Daniel Assouline rings a clear bell. This popular and celebrated CEO needs no introduction, at least to those who dream and breathe online marketing. The unique approach of Daniel Assouline to every day management issues and administrative… Continue reading Daniel Assouline Montreal – A Dynamic Leader with a String of Successes


Why is Daniel Assouline of Montreal a Good CEO?

Daniel Assouline of Montreal-based Upclick has been hailed as one of the greatest CEOs of his time because he has successfully revolutionized online payment processes. Daniel Assouline’s Upclick was originally founded in Montreal and since his entry into this organization; it has grown from strength to strength. He is exceptional because he has excellent foresight,… Continue reading Why is Daniel Assouline of Montreal a Good CEO?


Daniel Assouline’s Upclick is an Effort of Hard Work and Dedication

Leadership qualities, ambition, excellent communication skills and the willingness to listen to subordinates are a few traits that make a person successful. Contribution for the betterment of the society adds to people’s love and respect for such a person. Daniel Assouline, Upclick’s ex CEO, is an example with all the above qualities. He is a… Continue reading Daniel Assouline’s Upclick is an Effort of Hard Work and Dedication

Business · Uncategorized

Daniel Assouline, the Former CEO of UpClick Believes in Team Management

Good leaders are efficient decision makers. They may make an occasional mistake, but more often than not they do manage to hit the bull’s eye. An organization can only be successful if its leader is capable of making quick decisions. An indecisive CEO is more of a liability than an asset as a slow decision… Continue reading Daniel Assouline, the Former CEO of UpClick Believes in Team Management